Equestrian clothing has changed a lot over the past few years. It used to be that riders had fairly basic options when it came to their riding apparel. However, thanks to the growth of athleisure and the rise of online clothing stores, there are now plenty of options for people who are interested in wearing their riding gear for more than just trail rides. The world of equestrian apparel is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends so you don’t miss out on any cool pieces that will help you get noticed on the horseback riding scene. Here is a list of some of the biggest trends in equestrian clothing that have been making headlines in recent months:

LED Lights

LED lights have been used in a lot of industries for a while now, but they are finally becoming more widely used in equestrian clothing, especially for indoor riding. Some clothing companies are even producing clothing with LED lights built right in so you can turn your garments into something more than just a plain T-shirt or tank top. You can use these lights to create designs on your clothing or simply change the color of your garments to suit your mood on any particular day. LED lights are especially good for indoor riding because they don’t disturb other people as much as they do outdoors, so they are perfect for classes or events where you don’t want to disturb other people with loud noises.


Athleisure is definitely something that has been popping up more and more in the horseback riding world. Whether you’re focusing on dressage, show jumping, eventing, or another sport, there are plenty of options that combine athletic gear with fashionable clothing. One of the more popular athleisure trends is equipping your horse with a sports horse bridle. If you ride a sport horse, you probably already know how difficult it is to keep them looking super clean and tidy. A sports horse bridle will help you keep your horse looking fresh without having to wash their bridle as often. There are a ton of different sports horse bridles available on the market, so you can find one that will work best for your specific needs.

Crop Tops

Another one of the biggest trends in equestrian fashion is the popularity of crop tops. Crop tops are something that you would typically associate with casual summer clothing, but they are also making their way into the world of horseback riding. Some companies have even released crop tops specifically designed for horseback riding, so you can make sure that you are comfortable and protected when you are out on the trail.

Athimate Shirts and Jackets

Athimate shirts and jackets are a fairly new trend in equestrian fashion. These pieces of clothing are made with high-tech fabrics that are designed to help keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Some companies are even making jackets that have built-in GPS trackers that can help you track your rides from home. These jackets are great for people who ride during the winter months or for people who plan to train their horse on a consistent basis. They are also great for people who travel frequently and need a way to track their horse’s progress while they are away from home.

Water Resistant Clothing

If you plan on spending a lot of time outdoors, you may want to invest in some water resistant clothing. Many people who ride in the rain are concerned about getting their clothes wet, but they don’t want to have to get their clothes dry cleaned every time they get wet. Water resistant clothing helps to minimize the amount of water that gets absorbed by your clothes, so you can avoid having to take them to the dry cleaner as often. This type of clothing is especially useful for those who ride in wet weather conditions or who plan on doing a lot of trail riding in the rain.

Bottom line

There are tons of different trends in equestrian fashion right now. You can never really be too prepared for the new season, so make sure you are aware of the latest trends so you don’t miss out on anything cool. With so many different options, it can be a little overwhelming at first, but once you get started it should be relatively simple to locate the items you need. Keep in mind that you don’t have to buy everything all at once. You can purchase just a few items at a time and add more as time goes on.